Module Basics

Modules are the basic unit of abstraction in Virdant. We’ll look at modules in detail with the following example:

 1mod Buffer {
 2    incoming clock : Clock;
 3    incoming inp : Word[4];
 4    outgoing out : Word[4];
 6    reg queue : Word[4] on clock;
 7    queue <= inp;
 9    out := queue;
12mod Top {
13    incoming clock : Clock;
14    outgoing out : Word[4];
16    reg counter : Word[4] on clock;
17    counter <= counter->inc();
19    mod buffer of Buffer;
20    buffer.clock := clock;
21    buffer.inp := counter;
23    wire counter_is_zero : Bit;
24    counter_is_zero := counter->eq(0);
26    out := if counter_is_zero {
27        0
28    } else {
29        buffer.out
30    };

Module Definitions

Modules are declared using the mod keyword. We can see that in our example, there are two modules defined: Top and Buffer. The order of module definitions does not matter.

Let’s look at the first module definiton, Buffer.


Ports are signals that allow communication between the module and the outside world.

incoming clock : Clock;
incoming inp : Word[4];
outgoing out : Word[4];

In Virdant, each port has a directionality, either incoming or outgoing, a name, and a type.


Verilog uses the keywords input and output rather than incoming and outgoing. Virdant chooses the keywords it does because it makes the ports line up nicely. This makes the code much easier to read, without asking the designer to add extra spaces or tabs into their code.

Our example has three ports: clock inp and out.

The first port is an incoming port named clock. It has type Clock. Virtually every Virdant module will include a clock. We named it clock by convention and place it at the very top of the module definition. We will use this clock with our register below.

The second port is an incoming port named inp. It has type Word[4]. This is how we say “a 4-bit value” in Virdant. The value of inp is provided by the outside world. We may use inp in any expressions in the module definition.

The third port is an outgoing port named out. It also has type Word[4]. It is a value we are sending out to the outside world. We are obligated to drive a value to it inside of the module.


Registers are the stateful elements of Virdant. They are declared with the keyword reg.

reg counter : Word[4] on clock;

Our Buffer module contains one register named queue. It has with type Word[4].

Each register is assocaited with a clock. We create this association with the on clause. The expression must be a signal of type Clock.

The value contained in a registers is updated rising edge of its clock.

Like incoming ports, we can use the name of the register in any expression to read its current value.


The next two statements are called driver statements. Driver statements supply the value to a component.

queue <= inp;
out := queue;

The first driver, queue <= inp, will latch the value of inp into the register queue on every clock cycle. The second wire, out := queue, will connect the register queue to the outgoing port out. You will notice these use different operators. The <= is used with registers, and it reminds us that we are assigning to the new value of the register. On the other hand, := is a continuous driver, and it tells us that the right hand side is equal to the left hand side at any moment in time.

The Top Module

Each design will name a module definition as its “top” module. By convention, we name this module Top.


If you come from a programming background, you can think of Top being analogous to main.

Sure enough, we see that the second module definition in our example is named Top, so we can presume this is meant to be the “entrypoint” of our design.


While not a feature of modules per se, counters are a common occurrence in hardware. Our Top module declares a register named counter like this:

reg counter : Word[4] on clock;
counter <= counter->inc();

The driver sets counter to the value of counter->inc() on every cycle. The syntax counter->inc() is a method call. It’s short for “increment”, and it gives the next value up, wrapping around to 0 if the value is the maximum value.


Note that methods and other expressions in Virdant cannot change the value of any register on their own. Only driver statements can assign values to hardware. If you come from a programming background, this is similar to the idea of a “pure function”.

Submodule Instances

The power of modules is that they allow us to design our hardware heirarchically. This means that a module may instantiate a another module as a submodule. When we do so, we set up a parent-child relationship between the two.

In Virdant, this is done with the syntax:

mod buffer of Buffer;

This declares a new submodule named buffer inside of the Top module. The submodule is created from the Buffer module definition, and the submodule acts as if we have a copy of Buffer inside of Top.

A parent module is only allowed to communicate with its child through the child’s ports. That means that a parent cannot see the insides of its submodules: the registers or any sub-subinstances are off limits. This provides encapsulation in your hardware design and promotes modular design.

The parent module is obligated to drive all of the incoming ports of its submodules. This is what we see on the next few lines:

buffer.clock := clock;
buffer.inp := counter;

As you can see, we refer to the ports of a submodule instance by a dotted path indicating the name of the submodule and the name of the port.

In return for driving the incoming ports, the parent may make use of the values of the outgoing ports. We see an example of this in the expression a few lines later, where we use buffer.out:

out := if counter_is_zero {
} else {

After declaring buffer, we must drive its clock and inp ports. We do this by using driver statements: buffer.clock := clock and buffer.inp := counter.

A module may use the outgoing ports of its submodules in expressions. Thus, our last statement drives the outgoing port out with buffer.out.


It can sometimes be handy to give a name to an expression in a module definition. This is especially useful for when a value is used repeatedly inside of a module definition. It is also good because it communicates your intent as a designer and makes your code more readable.

Virdant supports the wire keyword for this:

wire counter_is_zero : Bit;
counter_is_zero := counter->eq(0);

In this example, we declare a wire named counter_is_zero. It has type Bit, which is a 1-bit value.

The value is given by the driver statement. The eq method asks if counter is equal to the value 0 (and returns true if it is and false if it isn’t).

And so concludes our example.