External Modules
An external module is a module which is defined in the host language, but which is made accessible to Virdant.
External modules are declared using the ext
modifier before the mod
ext mod Memory {
incoming addr : Word[16];
outgoing data : Word[8];
An external module may only declare ports.
The Virdant compiler will create a stub to read in code written in the host language. Today, this will look up a Verilog file in a special directory whose name matches the module definition:
1module Memory(
2 input wire [15:0] addr,
3 output reg [7:0] data
5 reg [7:0] mem[1 << 16];
7 always @(*) begin
8 data = mem[addr];
9 end
11 initial begin
12 $readmemh("memory.hex", mem);
13 end
External modules are useful for getting access to features the host language provides, but which Virdant does not.
For example, you can use them to call system tasks, like $display
, add SystemVerilog assertions to your design,
define behavior memories, define clock generators, or instantiate a module your synthesis tool provides.